improve your FALCONRy by Studying this book!

Parabuteo Publishing, 2012
Hard cover with dust jacket, full color,
8.5” x 11” and 661 pages
20 chapters, 21 figures, 20 tables
Hundreds of color photographs, including many action shots!
ISBN: 978-0-9858247-0-9
This falconry book is specifically designed to help falconers become better caretakers, trainers, and hunters, to help breeders increase production, and to make captive bred raptors better falconry birds and hunting hawks. The Coulsons teach about husbandry, rearing, training, socialization, scouting for game, hunting, selective breeding, and captive propagation techniques.
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A Must for Harris's Hawkers
Harris’s Hawks have a reputation for being easy to train, but these highly intelligent, social raptors can be anything but easy. Traditional falconry training approaches are often not suitable and can result in serious behavioral problems. The Coulsons stress the importance of socialization throughout the Harris’s Hawk’s life. Their training philosophy begins with the selective breeding of the hawk, parent rearing, and an appropriate period of socialization time with parents and sibling prior to training. The concept of the optimum age-window of opportunity to begin a hawk’s training is also paramount to their training philosophy. The Coulsons also explain in great detail how the training and husbandry needs differ markedly for passage versus captive bred Harris’s Hawks. Those who have already mastered the art of training a Harris’s Hawk will still find many benefits to owning this book. The Harris’s Hawk Revolution provides many avenues for advancing your falconry, from hunting strategies to finding better hunting spots.

Owned and managed by
Jennifer and Tom Coulson
Created 8/20/2012
Last Updated 12/30/2023